
Heerdyes Mahapatro
3 min readAug 29, 2020
generative serpents

Some of the problems/assumptions/social truths that triggered this post:

  • Survival is the roadblock for anything creative.
  • The vicious cycle cannot be broken by logic, planning and other rational approaches.
  • Current state is probably generated from a severe lack of clarity and perspective.

It is quite unfortunate that we (humanity) have been reduced to economic sanction for any sort of human endeavor. Anything you decide to explore needs to generate money. The rationale provided is “what will you eat?”. It seems like a simple problem: a human needs food, shelter and clothes to survive; however no human being I know of is satisfied by these basic necessities. It is like saying we have an alien UFO spacecraft complete with dark energy drive engines, but we are still on the lookout for a petrol pump. “What will the UFO eat?”

Consider the technological expertise of ancient civilizations and take note of the millions of years it took Nature to evolve Homo Sapiens. Does it not seem odd? The human brain itself would not have evolved if the urge for survival was the only driving force. It takes a lot of energy to run the brain, in relation to the rest of the body. Here is an article that sheds some light on the brain’s energy budget. There are still a lot of unknowns. It appears as though the human brain in combination with the nervous and immune systems is one of the most sophisticated systems that the planet has evolved. That is if you try to analyze it by parts. Humans however weren’t designed or assembled together. They evolved. The entire human system with all it’s sophisticated systems has evolved. Try and grasp this profound fact.

If nature was concerned only with survival humans wouldn’t exist today. The brain is indication of a desire (planetary? solar? or a cosmic desire?) to specialize so much, so as to become generic. (A similar mystery is why human newborn babies are so helpless compared to newborns of other species). This is similar to the difficulty presented while grasping the function of the central processing unit of a computer. What does it do? What is it? Why does it need code? Profound questions for the uninitiated no doubt! After certain amount of evolution/development the hardware apparently tends to approach a minimal common function. I am not yet privy to why this happens. RISC architecture comes to mind. After many generations the biological or electronic circuitry becomes simpler and optimized allowing a different, and more abstract, mechanism: language, or code, to become the operating entity (system). In many ways computer science is very close to biology.

As you can perceive, a deeper awareness can help indicate what really matters. If you pause to think about this, that so many human beings are working for survival, is essentially the anti-thesis of the original desire. It means, we are resisting evolution; we are devolving. But alas this conclusion too is suspicious! Was devolution also part of the evolutionary desire? Is this the evolutionary biology equivalent to damped RLC circuits? So, after all, is everything really perfect the way it is? Food for thought.

Originally published at on August 29, 2020.

